For a positive attitude to life Rasayana Ayurvedic regeneration cure
With the traditional Rasayana cure we help you to regenerate the body cells and slow down the aging process. Rasayana belongs to one of the seven specialties of Ayurvedic medicine and can be adapted perfectly to your individual needs.
Inquire now from 1.310,00 EURIt is not uncommon for us to use more energy than we can recharge; in this case, our body sends us signals. These signals are of great importance in Ayurveda. Recognized and correctly interpreted, they give us clues as to what we can do additionally for our "energy balance". The Ayurvedic keyword for this is Rasayana: "path of essence".
Scope of the offer
- 5 nights with Ayurvedic full pension including freshly prepared organic-vegetarian Ayurvedic dishes adapted to your Dosha type
- 4 treatment days as part of the Ayurveda cure
- Discussion of your personal health questionnaire as a basis for the therapy measures to be prescribed, nutrition and lifestyle counseling, dosha type determination
- 4 x personal one-on-one consultations and Ayurveda diagnostics with the Ayurveda specialists, your treatment setting will be adjusted daily according to your needs *.
- 4 x large synchronous treatment (approx. 50 min) according to the doctor's recommendation
- 4 x small body treatment (approx. 30 min) according to the doctor's recommendation
- Ayurvedic food supplements according to the prescription of the Ayurvedic doctor
- Daily yoga under professional guidance
* Please note that there are no medical consultations on Sundays.
* The final decision on treatment options is made by the Ayurvedic specialist in consultation with the patient, taking the individual requirements of your body into account.
Do you have any questions?
We are not too big for your small wishes - and not too small for your big expectations. If you have any questions about our hotel or our Ayurveda offer, we are always at your disposal: